Awaken Mentoring

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Live on BBC 1 Wales

Starting in business and indeed running a business is no mean feat, at times it can be hard, stressful and all together consuming. It can bring sleepless nights, a feeling of underperforming and at times you can wonder why you started on this journey in the first place.

I have recently had conversations with other business owners who embrace the freedom of flexibility during their working day but who like me at times need to take time out to care for themselves or family members however with this comes the price of whilst taking the much needed time out business owners aren’t able to work therefore comes the price of no cash coming in. Not an easy one to balance I can assure you.

However, when things start to flow, when the joy overtakes the stress and when the customer and cashflow just happen naturally it is the best feeling in the world. This does, I have to say take time.

When I established my business in 2010, I literally had to find my own way through. Social media was not as big then, I had never heard of SEO for my website nor how to improve it. I had no idea what networking was let alone where to go to meet others and often when I met those who I thought could help me it turned out I was paying money for nothing! I indeed got caught out a few times.

Roll the clock forward to 2024 and the present day which finds me embracing a four-day week; working with the lovely Chloe (my assistant), surrounded by others who genuinely want to help with any questions I may have. I have found a good accountant (thankfully one of my early finds in the networking circle, been with him since the start), a trusty website designer who helps patiently with my requests, questions and SEO management. I have mentors, supporters and clients who through the years have helped me to grow Awaken to what it is today.

Along with all of this comes opportunities that seemingly spring up from nowhere and that is how I found myself as a guest on a BBC Wales Live programme on the 7th February. Out of the blue through an email (apparently, they found me and my website via Google search) came the request to appear on the show. Now years ago, I would have stumbled over such a request but today I embraced it. I literally lived the Richard Branson quote ‘if you get offered an opportunity say yes and discover what to do with it after.’

I grabbed that opportunity, embraced being on the telly knowing that through my appearance I was living my mission of helping others with how they may feel if going through burnout. I made the decision to enjoy every moment, have fun with it and go with the flow of what being on a BBC Wales programme felt like.

This isn’t the only opportunity that has come my way over the years (far too many for just one blog) but today I wanted to share it so that if you are a business owner feeling ‘when is it going to happen for me?’ know that by holding on, grabbing that self-believe, having determination and never giving up doors will open, the flow will begin and you too will get delivered opportunities that you too can grab to make being in business for yourself the best decision you ever made.