Do you take time to celebrate?

I do, in fact I get so excited about reasons to celebrate I am often found planning things in advance. In 2022 as a family, we had so much to celebrate, milestone birthdays, business anniversaries, big wedding anniversaries and indeed our very own wedding day. We literally spent the last six months of the year partying.

As 2023 moves onto summer I am looking forward to celebrating a milestone birthday and in doing so intend to plan several celebratory events. I am holding a garden party, visiting some exclusive restaurants, inviting others to join me in bread making, line dancing and other activities that fill my heart with joy. It is indeed going to be a fun (and I am sure a hot summer!).

To be honest I don’t just celebrate milestones I celebrate every little bit of good that comes into my life as I believe is a way of expressing gratitude. It is a true saying for sure that the more you are grateful the more life delivers to you to be grateful for. I take time at the end of every day to collect my gratitude for things that have come to me the day,  however small or large they may be.

We often miss the small things in life that we should be grateful for, the smile that someone shared when it unexpectedly came your way, the door that was held open, the conversation that opened up a new avenue for you, time out with a friend or family, an unexpected phone call, flowers that got delivered, the list is endless.

Many years ago, when I went through my burnout I lost sight of gratitude and celebrations, feeling that the dark overshadowed everything however looking back now I see there was much to be thankful for.

I was fortunate to meet tradesmen who helped me renovate my flat (which had succumbed to dry rot) at a reasonable price; I had support from my family and friends; I was able to walk about outside in my garden to enjoy the warmth of the sun; I had food in my cupboard and so much more however at the time it didn’t seem like any of these were valuable. Now I realise how rich I was!

So today take some time out to express your gratitude, however hard it is,  celebrate it, plan future events with joy and know that everyday in each of our lives as we do this more special moments will come our way.


Is going backwards, sometimes going forward?  


What's the Rush?