Beverley Jones
Transformational Keynote Speaker

Speaking to audiences which have included: Welsh Water Board, NHS, HSBC, Mars Ltd, Aviva, Admiral, Olympus, Foot Asylum, SCS Railways, Talk HR, the Health Support Workers Conference, Gwent and Dyfed Powys Police plus many more, Beverley has literally transformed lives with her authentic and honest personal story through burnout and beyond.
Beverley now credits her burnout experience as a gift through which she helps others not go down the dark, lonely path of burnout that she did. Her talks have been described as engaging, informational, transformational, inspirational finished off with a slice of humour, always delivered with some golden nuggets to take away.
If you are looking for a speaker for your conference, event or workshop, if you would like someone who tells it as it is and really walks her talks in how today she keeps her anxiety at bay to live the life of an alternative millionaire then get in touch to discover how Beverley can motivate your teams / audience to understand that ‘life is simple, it is us humans who indeed make it difficult’.
Beverley has also had her own community radio show, been featured on Radio Wales as well as many podcasts across the Globe, her book ‘Made it Thru the Rain’ which chronicles her story was published in 2012, check out her other books in the Awaken shop. Beverley is also a regular contributor to the local and national press.
Speaker Subjects
Available in person or online
Also available
Mental Health Awareness and Conversations Seminar
A 2-hour seminar designed to assist your managers with those difficult conversations around mental health.
Available in person or online.
‘Staff well-being isn’t an expense, it is an investment’

Book Beverley to motivate, inspire and create transformational change for your audience here
Deep down inside everyone is resilient. Some however are seemingly more resilient than others. Beverley Jones uses her life journey to share with the audience her inspirational stories which saw 2009 become her annus horribilius.
It was during this year her 30 year corporate career came to an end when she was diagnosed with clinical depression and severe anxiety as a result of burnout. Her story of how she travelled from, in her eyes, failure, to the life she has today is inspirational, motivational and indeed it has been said ‘changes lives’.
Beverley tells her heartfelt stories with realism, honesty and humour; she can bring a tear yet raise a smile but one thing is guaranteed she WILL make you think about the path you are on right now; TODAY!
Through burnout, debt and learning to cope she has identified how resilient she is and it is this that has led her to share her stories to demonstrate to others that when you look back in life you often see that experience can be the greatest gift.
It is time to drop the mask, normalise mental health conversations and be strong in the face of adversity, Beverley will indeed show you how.